Тheme: Health problem.
Aims: - to develop pupils writing, reading speaking skills, oral speech and ability to understand the texts. - to...
Тheme: School Rules.
Aims: - to consolidate previous materials, to train the pupils in using model verb. "must, mustn't” in speech; - to develop pls’ abilities in...
Тheme: Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s
Aims: educational: speaking about doctor’s work, talking about illness and their treatment giving advice, practicing conversations between a doctor and patient. developing:...
Тheme: What should you do to keep fit?
The aims of the lesson: Educational: a/ to teach students to speak about health; b/ to encourage students in dialogue and to...
Theme: Test: Nature and animals.
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: Warm-up: Checking up h/w: The main...
Theme: The green world.
The aim: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: The living plants.
The aim: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Is it good to have a pen-friend?
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Org. moment: Warm-up: Checking up...
Theme: My friend has been reading since morning.
The aim: Grammar: Org. moment: ...
Theme: My friend.
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Org. moment: Warm-up: Checking up h/w:...
Theme: Omar’s album.
The aim: Vocabulary: Org. moment:...
Theme: Our favourite recipes.
The aim: Vocabulary: Grammar: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Home reading: “A present of five gold pieces for Geppetto”,...
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Revision. Tenses of the verb. (Повторение. Времена глагола)
The aim: Tasks: Grammar material: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Home reading: “Geppetto makes a wooden puppet”
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Shopping in Britain. Optional lesson.
The aim: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Home reading: “Geppetto sells his coat and buys a school-book...
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: Warm-up: Checking up h/w:...
Theme: Table manners.
The aim: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Home reading: “Master Antonio finds a piece of wood”
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Home reading: “Master Antonio gives his piece of wood to...
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Home reading: “Pinocchio goes to the theatre”
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Home reading: “Pinocchio in the theatre”
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: Warm-up:...
Theme: Home reading: “Pinocchio walked about the town”
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: Warm-up:...
Theme: Home reading: “Pinocchio’s feet burn away”
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Org. moment: Warm-up: ...
Theme: How long have you studied English? (2 час)
The aim: Tasks: Gr. material: Org. moment: Warm-up: ...
Theme: How long have you studied English?
The aim: Tasks: Gr. material: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Grammar lesson.
The aim: Grammar: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Having friends.
The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Gr. material: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Holiday postcards
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Org. moment:...
Theme: About animals.
The aim: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Animals are in danger.
The aim: Vocabulary: Org. moment: ...
Theme: Eating in Britain.
Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: Grammar: Org. moment: Warm-up: ...
Theme: Getting to know each other 2
Unite: Theme: The aim: Tasks: Lexical material: Gr. material: Org. moment: Warm-up: ...
Theme: Getting to know each other. (Знакомство друг с другом)
Theme: The aim: Lexical material: Org. moment: ...
Test “ Passive Voice or Active Voice”
1.William Shakespeare … Romeo and Juliet. а) write; b) wrote c) is written 2. "Oliver Twist” and "Domby and Son” … by Charles...
Lesson 7. Theme: Having friends.
7 Form Lesson 7 Date: Unite: Theme: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary: ...
Lesson 8. Theme: My friend has been reading since morning.
7 Form Lesson 8 Date: Unite: Theme: The aim: Tasks: Grammar: ...