Theme: How long have you studied English?

изучение информатики

The aim:


Gr. material:

Org. moment:


The main part:




Повторение и закрепление Настоящего Совершенного времени.

– to ensure in the course of the lesson revision and reinforcement of the students of this topic (обеспечить в ходе урока повторение и закрепление учащимися данной темы)

– cultivate mindfulness (воспитывать внимательность)

– to develop skills in reading and speaking (развивать навыки чтения и говорения)

Present Perfect tense.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children!

Sit down!

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

What day is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

Let’s review the three forms of the verb. I ‘m saying the first form and you should name the second and the third forms of this verb.

Eg.: go – went – gone

do – ….

(read, write, make, see, say, begin)

The theme of our lesson is “English is my favourite subject”. At the lesson we are going to fix up (исправить) the Present Perfect tense.

Open your books at page 16 ex.1

Read the questions and find the answers.

Ex. 2 p. 17 Read Ann’s interview. Translate the sentences.

Ann: How long have you studied English?

Omar: I’ve studied English since 1998.

Dmitry: I’ve studied English since I was 12.

Chan: I’ve studied English for 3 years.

Asel: I’ve studied English since I was 6.

Viktor: I’ve studied English for 5 years. ************

Make up questions:

Eg.: How long he/she has studied English/Russian/Kazakh.

And interview your classmates.

E. 4 p. 17 Say true sentences about your friends in the Present Perfect Tense using the time markers:

since 1998

for + years

since he was 10

since they were 11

Ex. 5-6 p. 17 Interview.

Ex. 8 p. 18

Study the time markers: today, this week, this year, yet, recently, never, since, for.

Make sentences about yourself.


I/my friend/ my sister/ + have/has + do/write/ hear/ work/ learn/visit

+ the time markers.

Study the 3rd form of the verb:

Do – did – done but visit – visited – visited

Hear – heard – heard work – worked – worked

1.To learn the time markers

2. Ex. 6 p. 16

What was the theme of our lesson? Tell me the grammar rules.

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye!