Theme: Having pen-friends


The aim:

Org. moment:


Checking up h/w:


The main part:


Reading, Speaking, Writing:




– be taught to read texts
– to use the right words
– to educate friendliness.
– to develop skills in reading and speaking.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear pupils!

Sit down!

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

What day is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

She sells sea shells at the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely sea shells.

So if she sells shells on the seashore,

I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

Ex. 10 p. 28

How long have you been learning English?

How long have you known your friend?

I love tennis. I have been playing tennis since I was 10.

This crossword is difficult. I have done it for 40 minutes.

Your English is good. How long have you been learning it?

I say the word in English and you should say it in Russian.

lazy ленивый

polite вежливые

interesting интересно

charming очаровательный

shy застенчивый

talkative разговорчивый

lively живой

impolite невежливо

boring скучно

unhelpful бесполезно

silent молчаливый

patient терпеливый
rude грубо
inactive неактивные
kind вид
gentle нежный
unreliable ненадежные

uninteresting неинтересно

clever умный

hardworking трудолюбивый

impatient нетерпеливый
unkind недобрым

active активный

helpful полезно
reliable надежный

Ex. 2 p.29. Find the opposites of the following adjectives (use exercise 1) and practice the pronunciation:

Example: shy – outgoing.

a) kind unkind

b) lively, active inactive

c) lazy hardworking

d) helpful unhelpful

e) patient impatient

f) polite impolite

g) reliable unreliable

h) stupid clever

Answer the questions.

a) Do you have a pen-friend?

b) What can you say about your pen-friend?

American English British English

palfriend pen-friend

Ex.5 p.30. Read the diagram and add some more. Do you want some more? Read the words and practice the pronunciation.

books in the USA _____ lives

letters ___ send A pen-friend


now and them


writes letters clearly

(how?) properly



Exercise 9. p.32. Now read the letters.

Exercise 12. p.33. Write a letter to your pen-friend.

Who is a pen-friend?

Why do we need them?

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye!