Theme: The green world.


The aim:


Org. moment:


Checking up homework:

The main part:




Formation of students ‘ knowledge on the topic of “Green world”.
– to provide as part of the lesson learning vocabulary on the topic;
– to promote the formation of careful attitude towards the world;
– to develop skills in reading and speaking.

special, to pollute, dumb, to hug, spine, inch, foot.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children!

Sit down!

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

What day is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

A honey – bee,
a busy – bee.
A golden eagle
A ground squirrel
A bat, a squirrel, ‘bear.
Ex. 15 p. 49; to learn the new words.

Do you like plants and trees?

What plants do you know?

Do you have any plants at home?

Today we are going to talk about plants and trees. Open your vocabularies and write down the new words. Repeat after me in chorus!

special особенный ерекше, арнайы

pollute загрязнять ластау

dumb тупой, немой зердесіз, ақылсыз

hug обнять құшақтасу

inch дюймов
foot ноги

spine шип, колючка тікен

Exercise 1 p. 55 Look at the picture and say what you think of it.

Exercise 2 p. 55 Read the text and mark the new information.

The Earth.

The Earth is a special place for everyone.

The Earth is a special place for animals, birds and plants.

But when people pollute the Earth, Water and Soil I think it’s really dumb!

Come on people think of what you can do.

We can make a difference for the future ahead.

But we need to make a difference or we soon could all be dead!

Written by Berth (13 years old)

a school girl of Tucson,

Arizona, the USA

Exercise 3 p. 56 Answer the questions.

a) Do you like this poem?

b) What kind of place is Earth for animals, birds and plants?

c) What is she afraid of?

d) Does she ask the people not to pollute the Earth?

e) Does she ask people to save the world?

Exercise 4 p. 56 Discuss the picture. These questions will help you.

a) What tree is it?

b) Does it grow in Kazakhstan?

c) Where does it grow?

d) Have you ever seen this tree?

e) Have you ever heard about it? CACTUS

Exercise 5 p. 56 Read the poem.

a) “Arms of Saquaro”

Arms of Saquaro,

Reaching for the light blue sky

Wanting to hug it?

b) “Saquaro Cacti”

Saquaro Cacti,

Hear me today. You have spines

I have fingers, ten.

Exercises 6, 7 p. 57 Answer the questions and discuss the picture.

Exercise 8 p. 57 Read the text and completes the semantic map.

Saquaro cactus.

The saquaro is the giant of the cactus family. Its height is often 50 feet (16 m).

It grows very slowly. It grows about one inch per year. The first branch of the cactus does not appear until the plant has grown to a height of 16 feet (5meters). The first flowers appear when the plant is 50-70 years old.

The largest saquaros are about 200 years old and weigh more than 908 kg!

There is the Saquaro National Monument in the state of Arizona in the USA.


  • inch – дюйм = 2,5 см

  • foot – фут = 30,48 см

Ex. 12 p. 58 Complete the diagram about a tree and present it to the class.

– Exercise 13. p.59 Answer the questions.

– to learn the new words.

– Exercise 15. p.59 Draw a diagram of a tree you would like to speak of.

– Exercise 17. p.59 Prepare a poster about a tree.

What was the theme of our lesson?

What interesting things did you know?

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye!