The theme of the lesson: ?лыбритания мен ?аза?станны? білім ж?йесін салыстыру

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson:Мені? мектепте ?ткізген к?нім

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Мектеп туралы ??гімелесу

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The objectives of the lesson : Білім

Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical their reading and to check their...

The theme of the lesson: Болаша?та?ы мектеп

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Бил Гейт ж?не компьютер

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The objectives of the lesson : Ба?ылау ж?мысы

Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical their reading and to check their...

The theme of the lesson: ?ялы телефон /Интернет

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Бізді? ?міріміздегі БА?

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: ?азіргі заманны? мектептері

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Мектеп ар?ылы білім аламыз

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: ?аза?станда?ы мектептер

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Мені? бастауыш мектебім

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Орта мектеп

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Бізді? мектеп

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Бізді? мемлекетіміздегі мектептер мен ?лыбританияны? мектептері

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Тест. Мені? мектебім

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Mass Media in our life

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Радио ж?не Теледидар

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

Theme: Test.

The aim: Vocabulary: Grammar: Org. moment: ...

The theme of the lesson: Теледидар ?арау

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

Theme: Home reading: “Pinocchio in the theatre”

Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary:...

The theme of the lesson: Теледидар ж?не бала

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Интернет ж?йесі, Компьютер

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

Theme: Holiday postcards

Unite: The aim: Tasks: ...

Тheme: Unit 4 Step 2 At the doctor’s

Aims: educational: speaking about doctor’s work, talking about illness and their treatment giving advice, practicing...

Тheme: Health problem.

Aims: - to develop pupils writing, reading speaking skills, oral speech and ability to ...

The theme of the lesson: Me, my family and sports

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: family values

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: My favourite sport

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Control work

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. The type of...

The theme of the lesson: Sport in Kazakhstan and in my...

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Teenagers and their friends

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Living with an English family

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

The theme of the lesson: Family tradition in the UK and...

The objectives of the lesson : Educational: to enrich student`s knowledge about the theme. Practical: to practical...

Theme: Animals are in danger.

The aim: Vocabulary: Org. moment:...

Theme: Home reading: “Pinocchio goes to the theatre”

Unite: The aim: Tasks: Vocabulary:...

Theme: Animals are in danger.

The aim: Vocabulary:...

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