Lesson 40. Theme: Shopping in Britain. Optional lesson.


7 Form Lesson 40 Date:



The aim:


Org. moment:


Checking up h/w:

The main part:




Eating and shopping in Britain.

Shopping in Britain. Optional lesson.

Закрепление знаний учащихся по теме «Еда и магазины в Британии».

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление учащимися лексики по данной теме.

2) Содействовать формированию интереса к стране изучаемого языка.

3) Развивать навыки чтения и говорения.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? I’ll say the word in English and you should translate it into Russian.

Ex. 6 p. 91 Give me your copybooks!

Today we are going to review the material of the third unit. Open your books on page 92.

Ex. 1 p. 92 Group work. Project work. Imagine that you want to run a successful shopping centre. There are four important things: the location of the departments, other facilities like bars, restaurants and parking.

Complete the project of your dream shopping centre. What should it be like? Give a name to your centre.

Ex. 2 p. 92 Read the menu.

Ex. 3 p. 93 Complete the dialogue. Ask and answer about prices on the menu.

Ex. 4 p. 93 Is there a canteen at your school? Complete the chart and write sentences.

Ex. 5 p. 94 In pairs write an ideal menu for the school canteen.

Ex. 6 p. 94 Read a recipe card.

Ex. 8 p. 95 Make up a dialogue about your favourite recipe.


-What is your favourite dish?

-My favourite dish is … .

-What do you need for it?

-I need … .

Ex. 7 p. 95.

What was the theme of our lesson? What interesting things did you know?

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye!