Lesson 40. Theme: School problems.


9 Form Lesson 40 Date:



The aim:



Org. moment:


Checking up h/w:

The main part:




Pleasure of life.

School problems.

Закрепление лексики по теме «Школа».

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление учащимися лексики по данной теме.

2) Содействовать расширению кругозора.

3) Развивать навыки чтения, говорения.

The defendant, the plaintiff, court, to appoint, to apply.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

How are you today? What’s the weather like today? What school problems do you have?

Cards. Give me your copybooks!

The theme of our lesson is “School problems”. Today we are going to talk about school problems and the ways of solving them.

Ex. 1 p. 112 School children often have complaints about school. What can they complain about? Draw a table of this kind and fill it in.

Ex. 2 p. 113 Compare your diagram with others.

Ex. 3 p. 113 Talk to your partner. What kind of complaints do you have about your school?

Example: I don’t like to wear a school uniform.

Ex. 4 p. 113 Talk to your partner. Do you have any problems with your parents, teachers, classmates?

Ex. 5 p. 113 Read and translate the text.

Role play. Here is the case for School Court discussion: some pupils have missed their classes. School Court should discuss the problem and make a decision.

Divide into 3 groups. Group 1 (Plaintiffs), Group 2 (Defendants) and Group 3 ( Judges). Meet with your group to discuss the problem and your roles. Discuss the case in Court.

Ex. 6 p. 115 Answer the questions.

Ex. 7 p. 115 Say the numbers.

Ex. 8 p. 115 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 9 p. 115

What was the theme of our lesson? What have you learnt today? What school problems do you have?

The marks for the lesson are…

The lesson is over! Good-bye!