Lesson 33. Theme: Kazakhstan is my Motherland.


10 Form Lesson 33 Date:



The aim:



Org. moment:


Checking up h/w:

The main part:




Ecology, geography and nature.

Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Казахстан»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися новой лексики.

2) Воспитывать чувство патриотизма, расширять кругозор учащихся.

3)Развивать навыки чтения и говорения.

To share, resources, uranium, deposit, gas, to rename, reservoir, former, census, annual, urban, rural, ethnic.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

How are you? What’s the weather like today? What can you say about Kazakhstan?

Your home task was: cards. Read your sentences.

Today we are going to talk about Kazakhstan. Open your books on page 84 ex. 1. Look at the map and answer the questions.

Ex. 2 p. 84 Read the new words and practice their pronunciation. Write them down into your vocabularies.

Read the text and underline the information that you have read for the first time.

Ex. 3 p. 85 Comprehension check: true or false?

Ex. 4 p. 86 Read and practice the pronunciation. Write down the new words into your vocabularies.

Read the text and complete the chart with the latest figures.

Ex. 5 p. 87 Write out the sentences from the text “Kazakhstan”:

a)in the Passive voice

b) in the Present Perfect

c) in the superlative degree of adjectives.

Ex. 6 p. 87 Write out the names of:

a)countries, continents

b) cities and towns

c) mountains

d) rivers and seas

e) languages

Ex. 7 p. 87 Write out the names of mineral resources.

1)To learn the new words.

2) To retell the texts.

I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt today? What new things about Kazakhstan have you learnt today?

The marks for the lesson are… The lesson is over! Good-bye!