Lesson 1. Theme: Revision. Tenses of the verb. (Повторение. Времена глагола)


7 Form Lesson 1 Date:


The aim:


Grammar material:

Org. moment:


The main part:




Revision. Tenses of the verb. (Повторение. Времена глагола)

Revision and consolidation of tenses.

1. Teach pupils to use tenses correctly.

2. Develop pupils’ grammar skills.

3. Bring up pupils to respect each other opinions.

Tenses of the verb.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? Who can tell me, what day is it today? Ok, you are right! What season is it now?

How do you do? I hope that you are fine!

Are you ready for this lesson? That’s great!

Look at the board! You can see a tongue-twister there. Listen to me attentively and say it as quickly as it is possible:

A big black bug bit a big black dog and the big black dog bit the big black bug nose.

Today we are going to review the tenses of the verb, which we learnt last year. What are they? Yes, that’s right. It is Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous and Future Indefinite. First, let’s review the grammar rules.

And now I’m giving you a table with all tenses and we’ll do some exercises using this table (appendix).

Exercise 1. Look at the sentence and say what tense is used there.

T: Я часто смотрю телевизор. What English Tense should be used?

P: (глядя на таблицу): It is necessary to use the Present Simple Tense.

T: Give an English variant of this sentence, using the necessary form for a predicate in the table.

P: I often watch TV.

T: Я сейчас смотрю телевизор. What English Tense should be used?

P: (глядя на таблицу): It is necessary to use the Present Continuous Tense.

T: Give an English variant of this sentence, using the necessary form for a predicate in the table.

P: I am watching TV now.

Exercise 2. Finish the sentences.

I have just … (Present Perfect)

He often … (Present Simple)

Are you … ? (Present Progressive)

What is Oleg … ? (Present Progressive)

Olga has already… (Present Perfect)

Tomorrow I … (Future Simple)

Next Sunday my parents … (Future Simple)

Exercise 3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

I have just to read the book. Read (Present Perfect)

He is gone along the street now. Going (Present Progressive)

John is liking to eat ice-cream. Likes (Present Simple)

Martha feeds the baby when I arrived at her house.

Was feeding (Past Progressive)

Simon plays the piano well, can’t he? Doesn’t (Present Simple)

She didn’t finish her work yet. Hasn’t (Present Perfect)

Do she play the violin? Doesn’t (Pres. Simp. 3л, ед., ч.)

She watch TV now. Is watching (Present Progress.)

Repeat the grammar rules about the present tenses. Make exercise 1 on the worksheets.

What was the theme of our lesson? Was it difficult for you?

The lesson is over! Good-bye!