Lesson 31. Theme: The New Year.


10 Form Lesson 31 Date:



The aim:



Org. moment:


Checking up h/w:

The main part:




The New Year.

The New Year.

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Новый год»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися новой лексики.

2) Воспитывать чувство уважения к традициям и обычаям.

3)Развивать навыки чтения и говорения.

Mammals, species, to include, cold-blooded, egg-lying, endanger, leopard, glacier, falcon, extinction, approximately, attitude, sanctuary, to rescue, to feed, welfare, prevention, treatment, cruelty, spurse, to shed, bush.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

How are you? What’s the weather like today? What animals do you know? Are they wild or domestic?

Your home task was: cards. Read your sentences.

Today we are going to talk about wild life: animals and plants. Open your books at page 93 ex. 1. Read the definitions of the new words then practice the pronunciation. Answer the questions.

Ex. 2 p. 93 Read the text and make a list of species.

Ex. 3 p. 95 Practise the pronunciation of the words. Talk answering the questions.

Ex. 4 p. 95 Read some more information about animals in Kazakhstan.

Ex. 5 p. 95 Read the statements and say whether you agree or disagree to them.

Example: People say that animals are used for experiment. I don’t quite agree with them. We must protect them, but shouldn’t kill for that porpose.

Ex. 6 p. 96 Discuss the questions. Read the new words and practice the pronunciation. Read the text and answer the question: What do you think of the British attitude to animals?

Ex. 7 p. 97 Discuss the following questions.

Ex. 9 p. 97 Read the new words and answer the questions.

Ex. 10 p. 97 Read the text and make a list of words which are connected with these plants.

1)To learn the new words.

2) Ex. 12 p. 98

I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt today?

The marks for the lesson are…

The lesson is over! Good-bye!