Инсценировка “Who Lives in This House?”


(Для этой инсценировки учитель использует маски кошки, собаки, слона и кролика. Также она сопровождается движениями.)

Children. Who lives in this house?

Isn’t it a little mouse?

Cat. No. no. The little mouse

Doesn’t live in this house.

Children. Who lives in this house?

Cat. Try to guess, try to guess.

I shall sing you a song.

It is not very long: «Mew-mew».

Children. A little cat lives in the house.

Not a pretty little mouse.

Cat, cat, come along,

We shall sing you this song: «Mew-mew».

Cat. I’m a little kitty,

I like to tippy toe.

Won’t you do it with me?

Ready now, let’s go.

Children. Who lives in this house?

Isn’t it a little frog?

Rabbit. No, no. The little frog

Doesn’t live in this house.

Children. Who lives in this house?

Rabbit. Try to guess, try to guess.

I shall sing you a song.

It is not very long:

I am little and grey,

I like to hop, hop, hop.

Come on and do it with me.

It’s fun, we’ll never stop.

Children. A little rabbit lives in this house.

We shall hop, hop, hop.

It’s fun, we’ll never stop.

Who lives in this house?

Isn’t it a big bear?

Elephant. No, no. The big bear

Doesn’t live in this house.

Children. Who lives in this house?

Elephant. Try to guess, try to guess.

I’m grey and big,

I take big steps so slow.

I’d like you to join me,

Ready now? Let’s go.

Children. A big elephant lives in this house.

We shall join you, elephant.

Who lives in this house?

Isn’t it a little parrot?

Dog. No, no. The little parrot

Doesn’t live in this house.

Children. I’m a little dog,

I like to run, and run.

If you would do it with me,

We could have such fun.