Grammar lesson.


11 Form Lesson Date:



The aim:



Org. moment:


Checking up h/w:

The main part:


Reflection. Marks.


Grammar lesson.

Повторение и обобщение знаний по темам «Артикли» и «Косвеная речь»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока повторение учащимися данных тем.

2) Содействовать формированию познавательного интереса.

3)Развивать навыки составления предложений.

Articles. Reported speech.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

What was the theme of our previous lesson? What are the main inventions? Who invented them?

Today we are going to review grammar themes “Articles” and “Reported speech”.

Ex. 2 p. 9, ex. 11 p. 12 Read your sentences.

1.Presentation 1. First let’s review articles. Look at the blackboard (Ученики смотрят презентацию и повторяют правила)

(см. приложение)

Ex. 13 p. 13 Complete the text putting in the appropriate article.

2.Presentation 2.

Слайд 1. Reported speech.

Слайд 2. Побудительные предложения (правила).

Слайд 3. Change into indirect speech:

Mary: ” Come to see me.”

Jim : ” Give me this jacket, please.”

Mother: ” Betty, don’t touch the gas!”

Father: ” Pick the things, Johnny!”

Brother : ” Don’t put your dirty boots on the carpet!

Lily: ” Don’t miss your school!”

Jane: ” William, will you, please, carry this heavy box for me?”

The pilot: ” Don’t leave your sits during the flight!”

The guide: ” Get ready by two o’clock!”

Слайд 4. Утвердительные предложения (правила).

Слайд 5. Необходимые изменения (правила).

Слайд 6. Change into indirect speech:

Granny : ” I’m looking for my glasses.”

Robert : ” Our team is winning the game!”

Jack : ” This is my friend? Dick.”

Mother : ” It’s very hot this week.”

Edward : ” I expect you to come at six.”

James : ” The train leaves at 2 o’clock.”

The old man : ” It’s going to rain!”

The teacher : ” It takes you half an hour to do the test.”

The driver : ” We have arrived at the airport.”

The guide : ” The city has greatly changed since the war.”

Слайд 7. Общие вопросы (правила).

Слайд 8. Change into indirect speech:

Granny : ” I’m looking for my glasses.”

Robert : ” Our team is winning the game!”

Jack : ” This is my friend? Dick.”

Mother : ” It’s very hot this week.”

Edward : ” I expect you to come at six.”

James : ” The train leaves at 2 o’clock.”

The old man : ” It’s going to rain!”

The teacher : ” It takes you half an hour to do the test.”

The driver : ” We have arrived at the airport.”

The guide : ” The city has greatly changed since the war.”

Слайд 9. Специальные вопросы (правила).

Слайд 10. Change into indirect speech:

Granny : ” I’m looking for my glasses.”

Robert : ” Our team is winning the game!”

Jack : ” This is my friend? Dick.”

Mother : ” It’s very hot this week.”

Edward : ” I expect you to come at six.”

James : ” The train leaves at 2 o’clock.”

The old man : ” It’s going to rain!”

The teacher : ” It takes you half an hour to do the test.”

The driver : ” We have arrived at the airport.”

The guide : ” The city has greatly changed since the war.”

Ex. 15 p. 14

I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt today?

The marks for the lesson are…

The lesson is over! Good-bye!