2-сабақ Туған қалам – Семейім




Сабақтың атауы

2-сабақ Туған қалам – Семейім


Тақырыптық күнтізбелік жоспар, сабақ жоспары, оқулықтан алынған материал (папка: ресурстар)


Сабақ барысы

Checking up the home task

What was your home task? Do have any questions?

Who is ready? Is there any volunteers?

Read and Remember

Look at the words and use dictionary and you may check their meaning

A Vocabulary quiz: Give your partner a vocabulary quiz. Follow the stages.

Stage 1 Think of ten words and write quiz questions like these:

The first letter is…/How do you spell…? /What is …in English?

Grammar Structure

I think that … There are mountains…


Semey city is the second largest city of East-Kazakhstan region in western region. The city is situated on the both banks of Irtysh river.

Its territory is 27 500 sq.km. including rural districts. Geographic centre of super-continent Eurasia is situated at the intersection of latitude 50 North and longitude 80 East to the East from Greenwich, 40 km. to the West from Semey city city in Degelen mountains.

Climate of the region is determined by significant geographic position its greatest removal on the continent from the oceans. Its territory is opened to the Arctic Basin, but isolated from the influence of Indian Ocean by the highest Asia mountain system.

The sharp continental climate of the city is a result of high amplitude of annual and daily temperatures. In winter it can be cold as – 45°C, in summer it can be hot as +45°C

The city numbers as high as 300 000 people.


Draw a picture of Semey


Home work

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