1, 2-сабақ Сүйікті мектеп пәндері




Сабақтың атауы

1, 2-сабақ Сүйікті мектеп пәндері


Тақырыптық күнтізбелік жоспар, сабақ жоспары, оқулықтан алынған материал (папка: ресурстар)


Сабақ барысы

Checking up the home task

What was your home task? Do have any questions?

Who is ready? Is there any volunteers?

Warm up

Luke Luck likes lakes.

Luke’s duck likes lakes.

Luke Luck licks lakes.

Luck’s duck licks lakes.

Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes.

Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.

Read and Remember

Look at the words and use dictionary and you may check their meaning

A Vocabulary quiz: Give your partner a vocabulary quiz. Follow the stages.

Stage 1 Think of ten words and write quiz questions like these:

The first letter is…/How do you spell…? /What is …in English?

a pen a ruler a book a notebook а сhair

a pencil a rubber a table a chair

Listen and repeat

Colin: What?

Carol: This. Is it a pencil?

Colin: No, it isn’t. It’s a pen.

Carol: What’s that?

Colin: It’s a calculator. Now go away.

Grammar Structure

Present Simple


Exercise 1-10 page 88-90


Exercise 11 page 89


Home work

12-жаттығу 90 бет